Monday, August 23, 2010

Maintaining for the sake.....

And it just don't matter now, because,
little by little,
I gave you everything you ever dreamed of.
Little by little,
the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off.
Little by little,
you have to give it all in all your life.
And all the time I just ask myself why
your really here?

Oasis- Heathen Chemistry, Little by Little

Driving really fast down the freeway it doesn't take much to go in a strait line. A little nudge on the wheel to the left, or to the right, and thats all it takes. Sometimes life seems like that car. Just keep going in that flow of traffic with the rest of the cars, stay in your lane, observe the speed limit, and all will be good. Sounds like a Sunday afternoon drive to me.
I have an analogy I like to use about marriage that runs in the same circle. It goes like this:
To me, marriage is like water skiing. If you stay right behind the boat where the water is smooth, there is usually no problems (as long as you can ski). But, if you get a little to far out to the right or to the left, the wake is bad and your gonna wipe out and sink to the bottom.
There is another one I just heard. It's an old greek wives tail.

The man is the head of the houshold. He makes the decisions.
The wife is the neck though. She can make the head turn whichever way she wants to.

Hmmm. I wonder how that can be. Sex? (or lack there of?) Nagging? Both?

Which brings me to maintenance. Why is it that someone thinks that if they throw you an occasional bone, say once every 3-4 weeks, that you'll stick around forever? Humans are a species of animal on this planet and have needs. especially the male animals. Testosterone is a timebomb when not taken care of.

I'm just saying..........

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